Hey guys! Here you go(:


“Am I a failure? A disappointment? I don’t have a job and I don’t know why I’m dragging my feet. I just am. Maybe it’s because getting a job and having to do it completely on my own will make it feel more real to me. Am I a disappointment? A failure?”


p.s. this picture is so dated lol who takes mirror pics anymore?

2 thoughts on “Let’s Get Intimate.

  1. Miss,
    I know it’s none of my business to give any advice to you or anyone but I will notwithstanding
    Don’t drag it but instead make a clear cut plan, implement it and execute it with perfection ..
    You want a job –
    Get some degree in the field you have an interest in
    If you already have one, find the enterprise where you want to work.
    Mail them a CV so explosive that they have to call you for interview and then give your all for that coveted job which will be waiting for you only.
    Alternatively, drop this idea of working for someone else, start your own business .. I know it sounds irrational but the company fir which you want to work was also a start-up once.
    I would like to reiterate that giving advice to anyone is none of my business but if it can inspire someone to create their own empire ..well it’s worth giving !


    • Thank you for the advice. I actually wrote this in my senior year of high school when everything just seemed a little overwhelming in life. I am now getting my degree in college and aiming to get my dream job. Advice is always more than welcome! It’s good to get other peoples perspectives on your own problems. Thanks again!!

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